Why did you choose your career?

Science, science SCIENCE!!! , that words I told me during my last years of high school, my preferences were very marked and I choose the scientific elective during my high school, by then, when I was a young teenager, my dream was architecture, but the city build projects were very boring for the artist that I was at that moment (with monotonous buildings where nobody breathe). After some years (maybe 3 years) my other love was the health of the people, and the science (pure science), that’s why, so, I decided two possible destinations for me, medicine, and chemistry and pharmacy. So, in my last year of high school, I studied so much for chemical and pharmaceutical based in my enthusiasm for the little things like cells, atoms, proteins, anything that was smaller than an organ, blood, biologic tissue, and other liquid-red things (that things cause me sickness), and my wishes for cure people (without direct contact with them); besides my shy was an obstacle to try with people, well, all this problems, made me reject medicine. (In fact, I choose medicine in that moment because my parents like that career, and the payment is good, and medicine is a popular career, but y choose for something different, with little people and a good dosage of all sciences that I loved).
So, very happy with my decision, I enter to  chemical and pharmaceutical this year, I was uncertain by my decision, but today I’ am very happy with all my classes, my friends are very similar to me, my expectative was very poor but today I’m so quiet that my decision was the correct.
I hope that my next job will be a hospital pharmacy, i love help people behind the scenes, especifically into a subterranean farmacy where i order how administrate the drugs for each patient, and worry about their health without being noticed.

Goodbye people.


  1. wow, I hope that throughout the career don't change your decision :)

  2. Nice history!! I hope see you working in a hospital pharmacy in few years!!

  3. Hi! great post, If you were so sure of liking science I think you'll finish the career succesfully.

  4. I rejected medicine for the same reasons!


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