
Showing posts from April, 2018

Your favorite piece of technology

Well, today the most important (well, not very important but useful) piece of technology is the smartphone, but my favorite object isn’t the smartphone, is the electric guitar. My history with the electric guitar begin with myself with 13 years old, in that time, I only play acoustic guitar, but all my favorite bands plays my favorite songs with that spectacular piece of technology, so I decided bought one of they in the year 2013 and I started one of my favorite stories of high school (that I won’t tell you yet). Today I don´t use my electric guitar so much time, the university remove me so much time, although, when I’m very stressed, the electric guitar is my best friends for liberate all my energy, I execute movement with my fingers like the acoustic guitar, but the electric guitar can connect to a multi-effect pedal (which add to the guitar sound some effects more peaceful, or very aggressive) that ability makes that the guitar can replicate any song and that break free my anx...

Why did you choose your career?

Science, science SCIENCE!!! , that words I told me during my last years of high school, my preferences were very marked and I choose the scientific elective during my high school, by then, when I was a young teenager, my dream was architecture, but the city build projects were very boring for the artist that I was at that moment (with monotonous buildings where nobody breathe). After some years (maybe 3 years) my other love was the health of the people, and the science (pure science), that’s why, so, I decided two possible destinations for me, medicine, and chemistry and pharmacy. So, in my last year of high school, I studied so much for chemical and pharmaceutical based in my enthusiasm for the little things like cells, atoms, proteins, anything that was smaller than an organ, blood, biologic tissue, and other liquid-red things (that things cause me sickness), and my wishes for cure people (without direct contact with them); besides my shy was an obstacle to try with people, well, a...

Getting to know each other

Hi people, for introduce you to my blog i'll need tell you who I am: Well, my name is Carlos Vicente Hernán Yáñez Araya (yes three names) and I live in Santiago city, Carmen Araya and Carlos Yáñez (wow, my first name) are my parents, and i have two sisters: Barbara (she is lawyer) and Francisca( she is nutritionist, she studied where I study actually) who have a difference very large in the age respect to me. Also i have a very cute pug (his name is Leon) and he gives me quite laughs when i arrive to my home.  I was born in Santiago of Chile, a country very large in south america. It was a march 18th in 1999  the day that i came to this world ( the same day of my birthday, very strange), at 7:00 am my mom was taken to maternity  to wait my arrival. My childhood was in the country, my family had a big house whit garden and toys for me, so space for play wasn't a problem for me. when i had 5 years old i got in the school and i ended my primary with 13 years old with a v...